Our Vision
Education at Sunrise Nursery is a harmonious balance between academic guidance, creative expression and inner growth, to develop the highest potential in every child.
Based on a synthesis of the UK Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Montessori methods and Neo-Humanist principles, our curriculum provides varied activities. We enable imitation of practical life skills and use of equipment that encourages self-directed learning. Our nursery environment allows young children undisturbed absorption in their chosen tasks.
Our holistic approach nurtures the all-round development of the child: body, senses, emotion, intellect, creativity and spiritual awareness. We have daily circle time, yoga and singing sessions.
We cater for children between ages 15 months to 5 years in Stoke Newington and from 12 months to 5 years in Tottenham.
Circle Time
Great importance is given to the daily circle. Circle time creates a family feeling of togetherness, a chance to share and listen, to sing and dance joyfully. It is a special morning time celebration where the magic and the true heartbeat of the school can be experienced by all from the youngest nursery child to the oldest children and by the teachers as well.
Practicing this meditation in circle time each morning develops the children's concentration and awareness and most importantly, Ives them a direct experience of their own inner life. The children learn to be still and feel love "above and below, around and inside them".™
Before meditation time we dance and sing kiirtan with our eyes closed and our arms reaching upwards in a gesture of openness, a willingness to receive positive energy from the universe.
Kiirtan is sung using the powerful Sanskrit mantra Baba Nam Kevalam, which means “Everything is love, everything is one”. Whilst meditating, the children are encouraged to concentrate upon the meaning of this mantra and the feelings of love in their own hearts. Such meditation and ideation develop in the children a sense of security and peace within themselves and a feeling of love for the universe to which they belong.
After this quiet time the children can listen to a story, enact a drama or have a learning moment. Circle time helps to develop each child’s intuitive, creative and spiritual capacity.

Our Roots
Sunrise London started in 1980 in Stoke Newington to provide high-quality education at a fair cost to Hackney families.
The Tottenham Primary School opened in 1987, the Nursery was registered in 2005.
In 1982, the Sunrise Education Trust was formed as a registered charity and although we depend upon parental fees to ensure our daily operation, we have received funds from Awards For All, the Vegetarian Society, Hackney Council and many kind donations from parents and friends.
In 1998, Sunrise purchased a piece of land in County Clare, Ireland, and expanded our scope of operation with Sunrise Farm, a working organic farm
Yearly Plan
Neo-Humanistic Circle of Love and Montessori curriculum
September: Myself and my family - body parts, growth, senses, emotions, family members.
October: Animals, harvest, black history month - farm, jungle, pets, park and forest.
November: People in the community - police, teachers, health workers, builders, doctors.
December: Other cultures and celebrations - food, lifestyle, music, festivals, looking at different continents (Montessori continent box).
January: Space, national story telling - sun planets, moon, stars, (Montessori Earth/ continent globe)
February: Air and light, Valentines - weather, clouds, wind, experiment with light.
March: Water - water sources, water uses, water travel, fun with water, water cycle.
April: Earth and plants - the plant life cycle, the terminology of a plant and growing.
May: Insects - insects life cycle, natural habitat, terminology of an insect.
June: Fish and reptiles - cold climate, warm climate, tropical climate, life cycle terminology of fish and reptiles.
July: Birds - looking at different types of birds and their living habitats, life cycle and terminology.

EYFS 7 areas of learning
Prime area - ages 1-3
Specific area - ages 3-5
communication and language.
personal, social and emotional development.
physical development.
understanding the world.
expressive arts and design.
We actively promote Universal and British values

Rule of law
Individual liberty
Respect and tolerance
Sunrise Nursery and Preschool provide Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC) which include the promotion of Universalism and the incorporation of British values by
Enabling students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.
Enabling students to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England.
Encouraging students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely.
Enabling students to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public Institutions and services in England.
Encouraging further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions by enabling students to acquire an appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures.
Encouraging respect for other people.
Encouraging respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic processes, including respect for the basis on which the law is made and applied in England.